Tina (Valentina Lenitz aus der 3b) hat bei der MORE! Writing Competition 2021 im Rahmen der 3. Klassen den 2. Platz belegt. Eingesendet wurden rund 3500 Beiträge aus ganz Österreich. Pro Jahrgangsstufe konnten je 3 Kinder den 1. Platz gewinnen und 33 Kinder den 2. Platz.  Feminism When I first thought about "The idea which saved the planet", I thought about the recycling system, but when I started thinking about it more, the importance of feminism came to my mind, and how it would make the world a better place if we had more of it. Feminism is a topic that in my opinion doesn't get talked about enough. It should be talked about in schools, but it isn't. I want to talk about it because I…

Weiterlesen2. Platz Writing Competition!